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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society


PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Nature Climate Change

Conservation Letters

The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Physical Reviews E

Journal of Virology

Annual Reviews of Entomology

The Journal of Wildlife Management

American Naturalist

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Journal of Public Health Policy

PLoS One

And more...

Many of these are freely available on Google Scholar but in cases where that is not permitted, please email nina.h.fefferman AT to request a copy.


Not your private tête-à-tête: leveraging the power of higher-order networks to study animal communication. Iacopini, I., J.R. Foote, N.H. Fefferman, E.P. Derryberry, and M.J. Silk. (In Press.) Philosophical Transactions B.


Designing sustainable systems using nature’s toolbox. Hasenjager, M.J., X. Guo, N. Pinter-Wollman, and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Sustainability Science. 18:2787–2793.

A New Paradigm for Pandemic Preparedness. Fefferman, N.H., J.S. McAlister, B.S. Akpa, K. Akwataghibe, F.T. Azad, K. Barkley, A. Bleichrodt, M.J. Blum, L. Bourouiba, Y. Bromberg, K.S. Candan, G. Chowell, E. Clancey, F.A. Cothran, S.N. DeWitte, P. Fernandez, D. Finnoff, D.T. Flaherty, N.L. Gibson, N. Harris, Q. He, E.T. Lofgren, D.L Miller, J. Moody, K. Muccio, C.L. Nunn, M. Papes, I.C. Paschalidis, D.K. Pasquale, J.M. Reed, M.B. Rogers,  C.L. Schreiner, E.B. Strand, C.S. Swanson, H.L. Szabo-Rogers, S.J. Ryan. 2023. Current Epidemiology Reports.

Neophobia, but not perch hopping, is sensitive to long-term chronic stress intensity. Beattie, U., L. Mikolajczak, N.H. Fefferman, and L.M. Romero. 2023. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. 339(10):1036-1043.

A Mathematical Representation of the Reactive Scope Model. Wright, J., K.R. Buch, U.K. Beattie, B.M.G. Gormally, L.M. Romero, and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 87(3):51.

An immuno-epidemiological model for transient immune protection: A case study for viral respiratory infections. Hoyer-Leitzel, A., S.M. Iams, A.J. Haslam, M.L. Zeeman, and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Infectious Disease Modelling. 8(3):855-864.

The interplay of social constraints and individual variation in risk tolerance in the emergence of superspreaders. Young, M.J., M.J. Silk, A.J. Pritchard, and N.H. Fefferman. Journal of the Royal Society Interface.20:(205).

Varying intensities of chronic stress induce inconsistent responses in weight and plasma metabolites in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Beattie, U., N.H. Fefferman, and M.L. Romero. 2023. PeerJ 11, e15661.

Connecting People to Food: A Network Approach to Alleviating Food Deserts. Sisk, A. K. Rappazzo, T. Luben, and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Journal of Transport & Health. 31:101627.

House sparrows prioritize skin repair over constitutive innate immunity during long-term chronic stress. Beattie, U., E.S. Rosen, N.H. Fefferman, and M.L. Romero. 2023. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. 339(5):464-473.

Epidemiology, Game Theory, and Evolutionary Rescue: Understanding how Outbreaks Impact Population Viability. Grandison, B., H. Yin, A Kilgore, M. Young, J. Jiao, and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Letters in Biomathematics. 10(1):75-86.

A ‘Portfolio of Model Approximations’ Approach to Understanding Invasion Success with Vector-borne Disease. Young, M. and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Mathematical Biosciences. 358: 108994.

Community vulnerability is the key determinant of diverse energy burdens in the United States. Shen, Z., C.F. Chen, H. Zhou, N.H. Fefferman, and S. Shrestha. 2023. Energy Research & Social Science. 97:102949.

Mathematical Model of Basal Sprout Production in Vector-Borne Tree Disease. Buch, K.R. and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Forests. 14(2):349.

Trade-offs in resource access and health by avoidance of self-fouling, motivated via disgust. Pritchard, A.J. and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Ecological Modelling. 476:110225.

How Children Develop Healthy Behavioral Choices to Promote Illness Prevention. LoBue, V., E. Bonawitz, L. Leotti, and N.H. Fefferman 2023. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 32(1):3-9.

Influence of Lived Experiences on Public Responses to Future Diseases via (De) Sensitization of Concern. Pritchard, A.J., M.J. Silk, and N.H. Fefferman. 2023. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 17:e251.


Linking Immuno-Epidemiology Principles to Violence. Sisk, A.H., P. Bamwine, J. Day, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. BMC Public Health. 22(1):1-8.

A general modeling framework for exploring the impact of individual concern and personal protection on vector-borne disease dynamics. Roosa, K. and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Parasites and Vectors. 15:361.

How Reported Outbreak Data Can Shape Individual Behavior in a Social World. Pritchard, A.J., M.J. Silk, S. Carrignon, R.A. Bentley, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Journal of Public Health Policy. 43: 360–378.

Capturing Complex Interactions in Disease Ecology with Simplicial Sets. Silk, M., M. Wilber, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Ecology Letters. 25(10):2217-2231.

A Network Theoretic Method for Calculating the Basic Reproductive Number for Infectious Disease. Sisk, A.H. and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 13(11):2503-2515.

Considering Humans as Habitat Reveals Evidence of Successional Disease Ecology among Human Pathogens. Fefferman, N.H., C.A. Price, and O.C. Stringham. 2022. PLoS Biology. 20(9): e3001770.

How drivers of seasonality in respiratory infections may impact vaccine strategy: a case study in how COVID-19 may help us solve one of influenza's biggest challenges. Lofgren, E., E.N. Naumova, J. Gorski, Y. Naumov, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 75(S1): S121-S129.

High prevalence does not necessarily equal maintenance species: Avoiding biased claims of disease reservoirs when using surveillance data. Wilber, M., J. DeMarchi, N.H. Fefferman, and M. Silk. 2022. Journal of Animal Ecology. 91(9): 1740-1754.

Carceral Amplification of COVID-19: Impacts for Community, Corrections Officer and Incarcerated Population Risks. Lofgren, E., K. Lum, A. Horowitz, B. Madubuonwu, K. Myers, and N. H. Fefferman. 2022. Epidemiology. 33(4):480-492.

Seasonality in multi-host disease systems. Nguyen, D., T. Wakhare, J. Jiao, K. Myers, O. Udiani, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Ecological Modelling. 470:109973.

Balancing timeliness of reporting with increasing testing probability for epidemic data. Pritchard, A.J., M.J. Silk, S. Carrignon, R.A. Bentley, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Infectious Disease Modelling. 7(2):106-116.

Diversity in Valuing Social Contact and Risk Tolerance Lead to the Emergence of Homophily in Populations Facing Infectious Threats. Young, M., M.J.Silk, A.J. Pritchard, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Physical Reviews E. 105(4):044315.

The Dynamics of Disease mediated Invasions by Hosts with Immune Reproductive Tradeoff. Young, M. and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. Nature Scientific Reports. 12(1):1-12.

When do children avoid infection risks: Lessons for schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fefferman, N.H., K.A. Blacker, C.A. Price, and V. LoBue. 2022. iScience. 103989.

How Social Learning Shapes the Efficacy of Preventative Health Behaviors in an Outbreak. Carrignon, S., R.A. Bentley, M.J. Silk, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. PLoS One. 17(1): e0262505.

Observations and conversations: how communities learn about infection risk can impact the success of non-pharmaceutical interventions against epidemics. Silk, M.J., S. Carrignon, R.A. Bentley, and N.H. Fefferman. 2022. BMC Public Health. 22(1):1-12.

Extreme events, energy security and equality through micro- and macro- levels: Concepts, challenges and methods. Chen, C., T. Deitz, N.H. Fefferman, J. Greig, K. Cetin, C. Robinson, L. Arpan, M. Schweiker, B. Dong, W. Wu, Y. Li, H. Zhou, J. Wu, J. Wen, J. Fu, T. Hong, D. Yan, H. Nelson, Y. Zhu, X. Li, L. Xie, R. Fu. 2022. Energy Research & Social Science. 85:102401.


How territoriality reduces disease transmission among social insect colonies. Lemanski, N.J., M.J. Silk, N.H. Fefferman, and O. Udiani. 2021. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 75(12):1-13.

How limitations in energy poverty and socioeconomic disparities compromise health interventions for COVID outbreaks in urban settings. Fefferman, N.H., C. Chen, G. Bonilla, H. Nelson, and C.P. Kuo. 2021. iScience. 24(12103389).

A guide to choosing and implementing reference models for social network analysis. Hobson, E.A., M.J. Silk, N.H. Fefferman, D.B. Larremore, P. Rombach, S. Shai, and N. Pinter-Wollman. 2021. Biological Reviews. 96(6):2716-2734.

How public reaction to disease information across scales and the impacts of vector control methods influence disease prevalence and control efficacy. Jiao, J., G. Suarez, and N.H. Fefferman. 2021. PLoS Computational Biology. 17(6): e1008762. 1008762.

The role of social structure and dynamics in the maintenance of endemic disease. Silk, M.J. and N.H. Fefferman. 2021. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 75(8):1-16.

Improving Pandemic Mitigation Policies Across Communities Through Coupled Dynamics of Risk Perception and Infection. Silk, M.J., S. Carrignon, R.A. Bentley, and N.H. Fefferman. 2021. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288:20210834.

The dynamics of evolutionary rescue from a novel pathogen threat in a host metapopulation. Jiao, J., and N.H. Fefferman. 2021. Sci Rep 11, 10932.

Genomic signatures of evolutionary rescue in bats surviving white-nose syndrome. Gignoux-Wolfsohn, S.A., Pinsky, M.L., Kerwin, K., Herzog, C., Hall, M., Bennett, A.B., Fefferman, N.H. and Maslo, B. 2021. Molecular Ecology. 00:1–15.


The sensitivity of a honeybee colony to worker mortality depends on season and resource availability. Lemanski, N.J., S. Bansal, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 20(1):1-9.

The Potential Role of Asymptomatic Infection in Outbreaks of Some Emerging Pathogens. Siewe, N., B. Greening, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 5 (4):184.

The Earth has humans, so why don’t our climate models? Beckage, B., K. Lacasse, J.M. Winter, N.H. Fefferman, F.M. Hoffman, L.J. Gross, S.S. Metcalf, T. Franck, E. Carr, A. Zia, and A. Kinzig. 2020. Climatic Change. 163 (1):181-188.

Choices in Networks: A Research Framework. Feinberg, F., E. Bruch, M. Braun, B. Falk, N. Fefferman, E. Feit, J. Helveston, D. Larremore, B. McShane, A. Patania, and M. Small. 2020. Marketing Letters.

How disease constrains the evolution of social systems. Udiani, O. and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287(1932):20201284.

The Impact of Host Metapopulation Structure on Short-term Evolutionary Rescue in the Face of a Novel Pathogenic Threat. Jiao, J., M. Gilchrist, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. Global Ecology and Conservation. e01174.

Coordination among neighbors improves the efficacy of Zika control despite economic costs Lemanski, N.J., S.R. Schwab, and D.M. Fonseca, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 14(6):e0007870.

How Resource Limitations and Household Economics May Compromise Efforts to Safeguard Children During Outbreaks. Myers, K., A. Redere, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. BMC Public Health. 20(1):1-14.

Impact of Strain Competition on Bacterial Resistance in Immunocompromised Populations DeNegre, A., Myers, K., and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. Antibiotics. 9(3):114.

A Generic Arboviral Model Framework for Exploring Trade-offs Between Vector Control and Environmental Concern. Suarez, G., O. Udiani, B. Allan, C. Price, S. Ryan, E. Lofgren, A. Coman, C. Stone, L. Gallos, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 490:110161.

How Emergent Social Patterns in Allogrooming Combat Parasitic Infections Wilson, S.N., S.S. Sindi, H.Z. Brooks, M.E. Hohn, C.R. Price, A.E. Radunskaya, N.D. Williams, and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8:54.

Impact of Chemoprophylaxis Policy for AIDS-immunocompromised Patients on Emergence of Bacterial Resistance DeNegre, A., Myers, K., and N.H. Fefferman. 2020. PLoS One. 15(1):e0225861.


When to Turn to Nature-Inspired Solutions for Cyber Systems. Fefferman, N.H. 2019. in Nature-Inspired Security and Resilience. eds. Eltoweissy, Elalfy, Fulp, and Mazurczyk. pp 29-50. The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, UK.

A Preliminary Exploration of the Professional Support Networks the EDGE Program Creates. Price, C.R. and N.H. Fefferman. 2019. in A Celebration of the EDGE Program's Impact on the Mathematics Community and Beyond (pp. 317-325). Springer, Cham.

Propinquity drives the emergence of network structure and density. Gallos, L., S. Havlin, G. Stanley, and N.H. Fefferman. 2019. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(41):20360-20365.

Contrasting the Value of Targeted vs. Area-Wide Mosquito Control Scenarios to Limit Arbovirus Transmission for Different Tropical Urban Population Centers. Stone, C., S. Schwab, D. Fonseca, and N.H. Fefferman. 2019. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 13.7: e0007479.

Dynamic Ad Hoc Social Networks in Improvised Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence Exercises: A Department of Homeland Security Red-Team Blue-Team Live-Action Roleplay. Myers, K, A. DeNegre, L.K. Gallos, N. Lemanski, A. Mayberry, A. Redere, S. Schwab, O. Stringham, & N.H. Fefferman. 2019. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

A Case Study in Tailoring a Bio-Inspired Cyber-Security Algorithm: designing anomaly detection for multilayer networks. Suarez, G.P., L.K. Gallos, and N.H. Fefferman. 2019. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility. 8(1):113-132.

Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance in Immunocompromised Host Populations. DeNegre, A., K. Myers, M. Ndeffo, and N.H. Fefferman. 2019. PLoS One 14 (2), e0212969.

(Meta)population Dynamics Determine Effective Spatial Distributions of Mosquito-Borne Disease Control. Schwab, S., C. Stone, D. Fonseca, and N.H. Fefferman. 2019. Ecological Applications 29(3): e01856.


Mathematical Analysis of the Impact of Social Structure on Ectoparasite Load in Allogrooming Populations. Brooks. H.Z., M.E. Hohn, C. Price, A.E. Radunskaya, S.S. Sindi, N.D. Williams, S.N. Wilson, N.H. Fefferman. 2018. in Understanding Complex Biological Systems with Mathematics eds. A. Radunskaya, R. Segal, B. Shtylla. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 14. pp 31-46. Springer.

How Disease Risks Can Impact the Evolution of Social Behaviors and Emergent Population Organization. Williams, N.D., H.Z. Brooks, M.E. Hohn, C. R. Price, A.E. Radunskaya, S.S. Sindi, S.N. Wilson, and N. H. Fefferman. 2018. in Understanding Complex Biological Systems with Mathematics eds. A. Radunskaya, R. Segal, B. Shtylla. Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 14. pp 31-46. Springer.

A general structured model of a hermaphrodite population. Kebir, A., N.H. Fefferman, and S.B. Miled. 2018. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 449:53-59.

Expanding the evolutionary theory of aging: honeybees as a test case for an optimal decision making model of senescence. Lemanski, N.J. and N.H. Fefferman. 2018. American Naturalist. 191(6):756-766.

The importance of being urgent: the impact of surveillance target and scale on mosquito-borne disease control. Schwab, S., C. Stone, D. Fonseca, and N.H. Fefferman. 2018. Epidemics. 23:55-63.

Integrating human behavior and risk perception into a climate model. Beckage, B., L. Gross, S. Metcalf, E. Carr, K. Lacasse, J. Winter, P. Howe, N. Fefferman, A. Zia, and T. Franck. 2018. Nature Climate Change. 8:79?84.


DIAMoND: Distributed Intrusion/Anomaly Monitoring for Nonparametric Detection (invited extended version). Korczynski, M., A. Hamieh, J.H. Huh, H. Holm, S. R. Rajagopalan, and N.H. Fefferman. 2017. in Security, Privacy and Reliability in Computer Communications and Networks. eds. K. Sha, A Striegel, and M Song. River Publishers Series in Communications. River Publishers..

High Survival of Some Infected Bat Populations Veils a Persistent Extinction Risk from White-nose Syndrome. Maslo, B., O. Stringham, A. Bevan, A. Brumbaugh, C. Sanders, M. Hall, and N.H. Fefferman. 2017. Ecosphere.

Human movement, cooperation, and the effectiveness of coordinated vector control strategies. Stone, C.M., S.R. Schwab, D.M. Fonseca, N.H. Fefferman. 2017. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 14(133):20170336.

Plagues and people: Mass community participation in a virtual epidemic within a tween online world. Fields, D. A., Kafai, Y. B., Giang, M. T., Fefferman, N., & Wong, J. 2017. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. DOI: 10.1145/3102071.3102108.

Coordination Between the Sexes Constrains the Optimization of Reproductive Timing in Honey Bee Colonies. Lemanski, N.J. and N.H. Fefferman. 2017. Nature Scientific Reports. 7:2740.

Relative Risk of Infection with Ehrlichiosis Agents and Lyme Disease in an Area Where Both Vectors are Sympatric. Egizi, A., N.H. Fefferman, and R. Jordan. 2017. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 23(6):939-945.

Application of network methods for understanding evolutionary dynamics in discrete habitat. Greenbaum, G. and N.H. Fefferman. 2017. Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14059.

ChiroSurveillance: The Use of Native Bats to Detect Invasive Agricultural Pests. Maslo, B., R. Valentin, K Leu, K Kerwin, A Bevan, G.C. Hamilton, N.H. Fefferman, and D.M. Fonseca. 2017. PLoS One. 12(3), e0173321.

Designing for massive engagement in a tween community: Participation, prevention, and philanthropy in a virtual epidemic. Kafai, Y. B., Fields, D. A., Giang, M. T., Fefferman, N., Sun, J., Kunka, D., & Wong, J. 2017. In Interaction Design & Children Conference. New York: ACM, 365-370. ISBN: 978-1-4503-4921-5.

Evaluating the vulnerability of sex-changing fish to harvest: A game-theoretic approach. Robinson, O.J., O.P. Jensen, M.M. Provost, S. Huang, N.H. Fefferman, A. Kebir and J.L. Lockwood. 2017. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 74(3):652-659.

Anomaly Detection Through Information Sharing Under Different Topologies. Gallos, L., M. Korczynski, and N.H. Fefferman. 2017. EURASIP Journal on Information Security. 2017:5. DOI:10.1186/s13635-017-0056-5.

The Dragon Swooping Cough: Mass community participation in a virtual epidemic within a tween online world. Fields, D. A., Kafai, Y. B., Giang, M. T., Fefferman, N., & Wong, J. 2017. In B. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier & K. Y. Lim (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 2 (pp. 865-866). Philadelphia, PA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Success of Wildlife Disease Treatment Depends on Host Immune Response. Maslo, B., S. Gignoux-Wolfsohn, and N.H. Fefferman. 2017. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 5(28).


Patients as Patches: Urban Ecology and Epidemiology in Healthcare Environments. Lofgren, E., A. Egizi, and N.H. Fefferman. 2016. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 37(12):1507-1512.

The great dragon swooping cough: Stories about learning designs in promoting participation and engagement with a virtual epidemic. Fields, D. A., Kafai, Y. B., Sun, J., Fefferman, N., Ellis, E., DeVane, B., Giang, M. T., & Wong, J. 2016. In Barany, A., Slater, S., & C. Steinkuehler (Eds.), Proceedings of the Games + Learning + Society (GLS) 12.0 Conference (pp. 419-424). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press.

Stopping Amplified DNS DDoS Attacks Through Query Rate Sharing Between DNS Resolvers. Verma, S., A. Hamieh, J. H. Huh, H. Holm, S. R. Rajagopalan, M. Korczynski, and N. H. Fefferman. 2016. International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES'16).

Hive Oversight for Network Intrusion Early Warning Using DIAMoND: A Bee-Inspired Method for Fully Distributed Cyber Defense. Korczynski, M., A. Hamieh, J. H. Huh, H. Holm, S. R. Rajagopalan, and N. H. Fefferman. 2016. IEEE Communications Magazine 54(6):60-67.


Simple and efficient self-healing strategy for damaged complex networks. Gallos, L. and N.H. Fefferman. 2015. Physical Reviews E. 92(5):052806.

DIAMoND: Distributed Intrusion/Anomaly Monitoring for Nonparametric Detection. Korczynski, M., A. Hamieh, J.H. Huh, H. Holm, S. R. Rajagopalan, and N.H. Fefferman. 2015. CCCN 2015: 24th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, IEEE, 2015.

The Effect of Disease-Induced Mortality on Structural Network Properties. Gallos, L., and N.H. Fefferman. 2015. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136704.

Dangers of vaccine refusal near the herd immunity threshold: a modelling study. Fefferman, N.H. and E.N. Naumova. 2015. Lancet Infectious Diseases. S1473-3099(15)70130-1.

Evolutionary Rescue Affects Viability of Declining Populations: A General Model and Case Study Using Bats and White-Nose Syndrome. Maslo, B. and N.H. Fefferman. 2015. Conservation Biology. 29(4)1176-1185.

The impact of personality on the success of prospecting behavior in changing landscapes. Burkhalter, J.C., N.H. Fefferman, and J.L. Lockwood. 2015. Current Zoology. 61:557-568.

Understanding hermaphrodite species through game theory. Kebir, A., N.H. Fefferman, and S. Ben Miled. 2015. Journal of mathematical biology. DOI 10.1007/s00285-015-0866-3.

Climate, Environmental, and Socioeconomic Change ? Weighing up the Balance in Vector-Borne Disease Transmission. Parham, P., E.J. Waldock, G.K. Christophides, D. Hemming, F. Agusto, K. J. Evans, N.H. Fefferman, H. Gaff, A. Gumel, S. LaDeau, S. Lenhart, R.E. Mickens, E. Naumova, R. Ostfeld, P. Ready, M. Thomas, J. Velasco-Hernandez, E. Michael. 2015. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 370 20130551; DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2013.0551.

Evidence that implicit assumptions of ?no evolution? of disease vectors in changing environments can be violated on a rapid timescale. Egizi, A., N.H. Fefferman, and D. M. Fonseca. 2015. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 370 20140136; DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0136.

A Novel Tool for Making Policy Recommendations Based on PVA:Helping Theory Become Practice Robinson, O., J. Lockwood, O. Stringham, and N.H. Fefferman. 2015. Conservation Letters. 8(3):190-198.

Higher-Order Interactions: Understanding the knowledge capacity of social groups using simplicial sets. Greening, B., N. Pinter-Wollman, and N.H. Fefferman. 2015. Current Zoology. 61(1): 114?127.


Evolutionary Significance of the Role of Family Units in a Broader Social System. Greening, B. and N.H. Fefferman. 2014. Nature Scientific Reports. 4: 3608.

A Mathematical Model to Evaluate the Routine Use of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation to Prevent Incident and Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection. Lofgren, E.T., R.W. Moehring, D.J. Anderson, D.J. Weber, and N.H. Fefferman. 2014. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 35(1):18-27.

Revealing effective classifiers through network comparison. Gallos, L. and N.H. Fefferman. 2014. Europhysics Letters 108(3): 38001.


How to effectively manage invasive predators to protect their native prey. Robinson, O.J., N.H. Fefferman, and J.L. Lockwood. 2013. Biological Conservation 165: 146-153.

Can physiological stress alter population persistence? A model with conservation implications. Fefferman, N.H., and L.M. Romero. 2013. Conservation Physiology. 1(1): cot012. doi: 10.1093/conphys/cot012.

Strategic Mortgage Default in the Context of a Social Network: An Epidemiological Approach. Seiler, M.J., Collins, A.J., and N.H. Fefferman. Journal of Real Estate Research (In Press).


Deviations in influenza seasonality: odd coincidence or obscure consequence? Moorthy, M., D. Castronovo, A. Abraham, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Gradus, J. Gorski, Y.N. Naumov, N.H. Fefferman, and E.N. Naumova. 2012. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 18(10):955-962.

Social organization patterns can lower disease risk without associated disease avoidance or immunity. Hock, K. and N.H. Fefferman. 2012. Ecological Complexity. 12:34?42.


Violating Social Norms when Choosing Friends: How Rule-Breakers Affect Social Networks. Hock, K. and N.H. Fefferman. 2011. PLoS ONE.6(10):e26652.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026652

Extending the role of social networks to study social organization and interaction structure of animal groups. Hock, K. and N.H. Fefferman. 2011. Annales Zoologici Fennici. 48(6):365?370.

Mathematical Macrobiology: An Unexploited Opportunity in High School Education. Fefferman, N.H. and L.M. Fefferman. 2011. in Biomath in the Schools. eds. M.B. Cozzens, and F.S. Roberts. DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. Vol 76. American Mathematical Society.

Waterborne Disease Surveillance. Jagai, J., N.H. Fefferman and E.N. Naumova. 2011. in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health. eds. J. Nriagu, S. Kcew, T. Kawamoto, J. Patz, and D. Rennie. Elsevier Science. 1st edition


Systems Approach to Studying Animal Sociality: Individual Position versus Group Organization in Dynamic Social Network ModelsHock, K., K.L. Ng, and N.H. Fefferman. 2010. PLoS ONE. 5(12): e15789. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015789

Virtual Epidemics as Learning Laboratories in Virtual Worlds Y.B. Kafai and N.H. Fefferman. 2010. Virtual Epidemics as Learning Laboratories in Virtual Worlds. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 3(2):2-15.

Disproportional effects in populations of concern for pandemic influenza: insights from seasonal epidemics in Wisconsin, 1967?2004. Lofgren, E. T., Wenger, J. B., Fefferman, N. H., Bina, D., Gradus, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Naumov, Y. N., Gorski, J. and Naumova, E. N. 2010. Disproportional effects in populations of concern for pandemic influenza: insights from seasonal epidemics in Wisconsin, 1967?2004. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 4: 205?212.

Impact of Street Crime on Boston ChinatownPhan, L., N.H. Fefferman, D. Hui, and D. Brugge. 2010. Impact of Street Crime on Boston Chinatown. Local Environment. 15(5):481-491.

Innovation in Observation: A Vision for Early Outbreak Detection Fefferman, N.H. and E.N. Naumova. 2010. Emerging Health Threats.Vol. 3::e6. doi: 10.3134/ehtj.10.006


Vital Rate Sensitivity Analysis and Management Implications for Desert Tortoise Reed, J.M., N.H. Fefferman, and R.C. Averil-Murray. 2009. Vital Rate Sensitivity Analysis and Management Implications for Desert Tortoise. Biological Conservation. 14(12): 2813-3222.

Mechanism-based Clustering of Genome-wide RNA Levels: Roles of Transcription and Transcript-Degradation RatesJi, S., W.A. Chaovalitwongse, N.H. Fefferman, W. Yoo, and J.E. Perez-Ortin. 2009. Mechanism-based Clustering of Genome-wide RNA Levels: Roles of Transcription and Transcript-Degradation Rates. in Clustering Challenges in Biological Networks. eds. S. Butenko, P.M. Pardalos, and W.A. Chaovalitwongse. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Genetic, Individual, and Group Facilitation of Disease Resistance in Insect SocietiesWilson-Rich, N., Spivak, M., Fefferman, N.H., Starks, P.T. 2009. Genetic, Individual, and Group Facilitation of Disease Resistance in Insect Societies. Annual Reviews of Entomology. 54:405-23.


Social Insects as Models in Epidemiology: Establishing the Foundation for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Disease and SocialityFefferman, N.H. and J.F.A. Traniello. 2008. Social Insects as Models in Epidemiology: Establishing the Foundation for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Disease and Sociality. in Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity eds J. Gadau and J. Fewell. Harvard University Press

Biological Experimentation in silicoFefferman. N.H. 2008. Biological Experimentation in silico. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 45: 367-368.

Pandemic Preparedness Strategies for School Systems: Is Closure Really the Only Way?Lofgren, E., M. Senese, J. Rogers and N.H. Fefferman. 2008. Pandemic Preparedness Strategies for School Systems: Is Closure Really the Only Way? Annales Zoologici Fennici, 45: 449-458.

Fefferman, N.H. (Ed.) (2008) Annales Zoologici Fennici 45(5)


Can Disease Models on Static Graphs Approximate Epidemics in Shifting Social Networks?Fefferman, N.H. and K.L. Ng. 2007. Can Disease Models on Static Graphs Approximate Epidemics in Shifting Social Networks? Physical Review E. 76:031919. (This article was selected for reprinting by the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 2007)

The Untapped Potential of Virtual Game Worlds to Shed Light on Real World EpidemicsLofgren, E. and N.H. Fefferman. 2007. The Untapped Potential of Virtual Game Worlds to Shed Light on Real World Epidemics. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 7:625-629. (article content was the cover of the journal)

Influenza Seasonality: Underlying Causes and Modeling TheoriesLofgren, E., N.H. Fefferman, Y.N. Naumov, J. Gorski and E.N. Naumova. 2007. Influenza Seasonality: Underlying Causes and Modeling Theories. Journal of Virology, 81(11):5429-5436.

Assessing Seasonal Variation in Multisource Surveillance Data: Annual Harmonic RegressionLofgren, E., N.H. Fefferman, M. Doshi and E.N. Naumova. 2007. Assessing Seasonal Variation in Multisource Surveillance Data: Annual Harmonic Regression. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. BioSurveillance 2007. eds D. Zeng et al. 4506:114-123.

The role of individual choice in the evolution of social complexityFefferman, N.H. and K.L Ng. 2007. The role of individual choice in the evolution of social complexity. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 44:58-69.

Disease Prevention and Resistance in Social Insects: Modeling the Survival Consequences of Immunity, Hygienic Behavior and Colony OrganizationFefferman, N.H., J.F.A. Traniello, R.B. Rosengaus and D.V. Calleri. 2007. Disease Prevention and Resistance in Social Insects: Modeling the Survival Consequences of Immunity, Hygienic Behavior and Colony Organization. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 61:565-577.


Polistes Nest Founding Behavior: a Model for the Selective Maintenance of Alternative Behavioral PhenotypesStarks, P.T.B. and N.H. Fefferman. 2006. Polistes Nest Founding Behavior: a Model for the Selective Maintenance of Alternative Behavioral Phenotypes. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 43:456-467.

Combinatorial Decomposition of an Outbreak SignatureFefferman, N.H., and E.N. Naumova. 2006. Combinatorial Decomposition of an Outbreak Signature. Mathematical Biosciences, 202(2):269-287.

A Vital Rate Sensitivity Analysis that is Valid for Non-Stable Age Distributions and for Short-Term PlanningFefferman, N.H. and J.M. Reed. 2006. A Vital Rate Sensitivity Analysis that is Valid for Non-Stable Age Distributions and for Short-Term Planning. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 70(3):649-656.

A Modeling Approach to Swarming in Honey BeesFefferman, N.H., and P.T.B. Starks. 2006. A Modeling Approach to Swarming in Honey Bees. Insectes Sociaux, 53(1):37-45.


Confidentiality vs Confidence: The aggravation of aggregation as a remedy in public healthFefferman, N.H., E.A. O'Neil, and E.N. Naumova. 2005. Confidentiality vs Confidence: The aggravation of aggregation as a remedy in public health. Journal of Public Health Policy, 26(4):430-449.


Two-Stage Wavelet Analysis Assessment of Dependencies in Time Series of Disease IncidenceFefferman, N.H., J. Jagai, and E.N. Naumova. 2004. Two - Stage Wavelet Analysis Assessment of Dependencies in Time Series of Disease Incidence. Proceedings of the 2004 Conference of the International Environmetrics Society


Phenotypic Response of Foraminifera to episodes of global environmental change. in Biotic Response to Global ChangeMacLeod, N., N. Ortiz, N.H. Fefferman, W. Clyde, C. Schulter, and J. MacLean. 2002. Phenotypic Response of Foraminifera to episodes of global environmental change. in Biotic Response to Global Change. eds S.J. Culver and P. Rawson. Cambridge University Press