Fefferman Lab
424 Hesler Biology Building
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996
Email: dtflaherty11@gmail.com

Current Positions
Post Doctoral Researcher, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Research Focus
Systems Modelling, Mathematical Optimization, Uncertainty Analysis

Dr. David Flaherty

Post Doctoral Researcher

Dr. David Flaherty, a Post-Doctoral Researcher, with a BS in Genetics and a Ph.D. in Comparative Biomedical Science from NC State, specializes in utilizing computational techniques to model real-world systems.

Having previously consulted for NIMBioS as part of the NSF's PIPP initiative, his path led him to Dr. Fefferman's lab. His current research encompasses diverse projects that use computational modeling to understand complex systems. David’s work extracts insights from minimal data, contributing to fields spanning basic research to epidemic control.

His ongoing research involves finalizing simulation codes that deepen our understanding of information and disease transmission dynamics, setting the stage for collaborative endeavors with experts across disciplines. With his expertise and passion for computational biology, Dr. David Flaherty stands poised to drive significant advancements in scientific knowledge and real-world problem-solving.